Reined Cowhorses - Parma, Idaho

Sale Horses
Alward Ranches occasionally offers a select few of our well-bred cowhorses for sale.

Show Horses
Meet the team! Our show horses travel to circuit and national Reined Cowhorse shows across the West.

Ranch News
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Reined Cowhorses for Sale
About Alward Ranches
Kathy and Tim Alward met through their mutual love of skiing. The action-packed early years of their marriage included mountain biking, backcountry skiing, tons of travel, and a connection through their passions for athletics and outdoor activities.
On one of their many trips, Kathy’s life-long involvement with horses sparked Tim’s interest and the couple got involved in reining with the California Reining Horse Association. Both Kathy and Tim became active in showing and breeding reining horses. Kathy served on the CRHA board.
In 2016, Alwards moved their operation to one of the hearts of Reined Cowhorse country–Idaho’s Treasure Valley. This move shifted their focus from the reining to the reined cowhorse. Their facility in Parma, ID includes a 120′ x 250′ indoor arena, a cutting pen, a 22 stall barn, an outdoor arena, and cattle facilities.
The Alwards are active in the local cowhorse community. They constantly work to refine their program and carefully select their string of show horses as they build their reputation as a quality program producing remarkable Reined Cowhorses.

Kathy & Select Code - Tim & Light Um Up
Frederick Performance Horses, Matt and Chelsea Frederick are our resident trainers.
For more information on Frederick Performance Horses, please visit FrederickPerformanceHorses.com.